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The Birth Package

Now £1370

Pregnancy and birth is a rite of passage, totally unique to you and should be treated as such. One size does not fit all. With this birth doula package you get information and support that is relevant to your situation. It is important that you find the right doula for you so I offer a no obligation, discovery call, to see if we are the perfect team.
Don’t forget to download your free birth preparation documents to help get you started

What’s Included

  • 3 x 2hr birth preparation appointments at your home.
  • Personalised birth map.
  • Personalised affirmations.
  • On Call for the birth 24/7 from 10 days before estimated due date, up to 42 weeks. (this can be adjusted or extended)
  • Continuous support throughout labour and birth for you and your partner.
  • Biomechanics for birth making space for you baby
  • Phone, email, Whatsapp support from booking until 6 weeks postpartum.
  • 1 x 2hr postnatal visit to reflect on the birth, answer questions and to see how you are.
  • Additional appointments, extended on call period, Reiki and guided meditations can be added if required.
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Birth Environment

The space in which you give birth can have a massive impact on your experience and labour. I love getting creative to find ways to make your birth place, calm and comfortable. and enhance physiology.

“Birth runs more smoothly when it is planned to start at home; here is the necessary space and tranquillity for nature to work it’s way- and the midwife can transfer to hospital if needed”

Olsen & Clausen (2023)
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super doula, birth, doula, package

Connection And Preparation

The main part of the birth doula package is preparation and building a relationship and connection so you can feel confident and safe during birth beause it is important to trust the people in your birth team and to trust and understand the process to truly feel supported and empowered.

During the antenatal appointments I will:

  • Go through all aspects of labour and birth.
  • discuss your hopes anf fears
  • Relaxation and comfort measures.
  • Provide evidence based information.
  • Provide resources you can keep.

Super Sidekick

If you have a birth partner a doula makes a great addition to your team. A doula does not replace your birth partner, we support them as well, emotionally and practically. Together we are like your ultimate support team because one knows you better than anyone and the other understands the maternity system and birth.

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“While the doula probably knows more than the partner about birth, hospitals and maternity care, the partner knows more about the woman’s personality, likes, dislikes and needs. Moreover, he loves the woman more than anyone else there. The combination of partner and doula, along with a caring staff gives the woman the best chance of an optimal outcome.”

Penny Simkin, author of The Birth Partner

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